Monday, December 21, 2015

Gore Program Update
December 21, 2015

Hello Gore families,
It looks like yet another warm week is in store for us here at Gore Mountain. Snow was made over the last few days and conditions have improved but we are still dealing with very limited terrain.
Sometimes life in the Adirondacks is not always what you want. But in the spirit of the resourceful mountain people who settled these wild lands, Gore will be offering other activities for you to enjoy during the Holiday period. These activities include guided hikes, craft tables, climbing wall, Euro-bungee and live music. Check with the marketing department for a full schedule of events.   
 We do plan to offer limited training over the Holiday period, Saturday December 26th – Thursday December 31st. Please note that anticipated lift opening times have changed.
U8, U10, U12 groups
-          These groups will meet at the Training Center 9:30 am, (this is a time change). Please do not bring new skis. Groups will ski until 12:30 pm and be dismissed for the day. Families should enjoy all that Gore and beautiful North Creek have to offer in the afternoons.
U14 group
-          U14’s look for a connect text from Coach Rich Burnley as to your arrival time. This group will also be dismissed for the day at 12:30 pm Please do not bring new skis
U16/U19 group
-          U16/U19’s you will receive a direct email from your coaches as to arrival time. Plan to be here for a full day.
Free Ride
-          Meet your coaches at 9:30 in the Training Center. Plan to ride until 12:30. After that enjoy sometime on the Euro-bungee.  
Monday & Tuesday December 28 & 29th:
-          We will be offering yoga for skiers. This is not your regular yoga!! These classes will focus on core strength and elongating the muscles you need most. Class time is 1:30 each day. Class size is limited so please email me if you would like to attend. This will be really good, so sign up really soon.
But Bone…..What happens if this whole plan goes to …… changes??
-          If there is any change to lift loading times or training schedules. We will make every effort to: email, face book, blog, remind text, tweet (I think we tweet). So not to worry, I wanted to get this out sooner than later, as you make your plans for the Holiday week.
All of us at NYSEF are wishing you and your families safe traveling, a time of sharing and wonderful family memories during this Holiday season. Oh, and a little snow…just a little

Bone Bayse
Program Director/Head Coach

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hello Parents,

A quick email to update you about this coming weekend December 12 & 13th   Gore Mountain will be back to regular operating hours. This means that coaches will be meeting athletes at 8:30, (regular time), in front of the Training Center. 

We will be holding a U10/U12 parent meeting this Saturday morning December 12th at 8:40 am in the NYSEF building. This meeting will provide information about the season, so it would be good to

Skiing this weekend will be limited to the terrain that was available last weekend. We can be thankful that the mountain has done a good job of maintaining skiing while we get through this warm weather pattern.

There is good news in site, as we are seeing favorable temperatures coming in around the 15th. This should allow the skiable terrain to expand rather quickly.
See you Saturday!


Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hello everyone and welcome to the on snow part of our fall training. Training begins this Saturday December 5th at 8:30 am. Athletes should be dressed and ready to go. Be advised that skiing is limited and your child's coach, may choose dry land activities rather then ski. So, please come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear.

Also, a reminder that training ends each day this weekend at 12 pm.

We look forward to seeing everyone this weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dress warm this weekend

Hello Parents and Athletes,

This weekend is predicted to be the coldest temps, that we have seen in many years. Please dress appropriately for this anticipated weather. Hand and toe warmers along with face protection should all be worn.

Thank you,
