Monday, November 30, 2009

Training Center Opening Weekend

This coming weekend December 5 & 6, 2009 are scheduled as our season opener. I plan to keep everyone posted as the week progresses as to if this will happen or not. Please stay tuned to this blog for the most current updated information.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gore & Thanksgiving Weekend

Hello everyone,

For this coming weekend Gore will not be open for skiing. They will however be offering Gondola rides, lunch specials, the opportunity to move into your locker and sales in the retail shop. If you are in the area and would like to pick up your NYSEF pass, the Gore NYSEF office will be open on Friday and Saturday from 9-3 for you to do that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Season Info


Welcome to

New York Ski Educational Foundation

Weekend Program Alpine Information

Program starts Saturday, December 5, 2009

The staff at NYSEF would like to help you get everything in order for your young alpine athlete (s). Please contact us with any questions, or (518) 251-2825 anytime.

NYSEF provides alpine ski programs at Gore and Whiteface Mountain. There are alpine programs at many mountains in New York State, however, they all belong to New York State Ski Racing Association (NYSSRA) governing body. or (315) 655-2216.

US Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) is the governing body for all ski racing, in every state, in the United States. They are based in Park City; U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, Box 100, 1500 Kearns Blvd, Park City,  UT  84060
Main Phone: 435.649.9090, FAX: 435.649.3613. ( )

The governing bodies are arranged as so:





Every state has the same age grouping categories;

JV – Age 7-10

JIV-Age 11-12

JIII-Age 13-14

JII Age 15-16

J1-Age 16-18


Age cut off based on a January 1st birth date. NYSEF works with athletes ages 7-18. Athletes will pick up their season passes at the NYSEF building; we do not send them in the mail.


As a new athlete participating in the full time weekend program or part time (6-pack) you will need the following completed (every year);


  • Fill out enrollment form for NYSEF at
  • Pay program fee (depends on age of athlete)
  • Join NYSSRA (See attached enrollment form)
  • Join USSA (See attached enrollment form)
  • Two volunteer days or fore fit a $250 deposit. (Parents are asked to volunteer two days during the ski season)


In addition, athletes will need a pair of skis, DRY boots, poles and the proper outerwear for cold winter weather on the hill. Skis should be regularly tuned and boots need to be fitted properly for their foot size. You can speak to a coach at NYSEF if you have questions on sizing.


The NYSEF day begins at 8:30 am, however we ask that athletes arrive by 8:15am. This will give them time to get ready, meet up with their coaches and friends. Parents are welcome to come into the NYSEF building and help athletes get ready.


Daily Schedule:

8:30 Group line up outside NYSEF

8:30-10:00 Free skiing, drill work and training

10:00 Break at Saddle Lodge

10:00-11:30 Free skiing, drill work and training

11:30-12:30 Lunch

12:30-2:30 Free skiing, drill work and training


Schedule subject to change depending on weather and group needs. If athletes arrive late we will get them with their designated group, but they will need to report to the NYSEF staff at the front desk so we can radio their group. Athletes may stay longer and ski with their friends and family, however NYSEF is not responsible for athletes and a coach will not be provided to free ski with them. The NYSEF Building closes at 4pm (locked) and opens at 7:30 am daily. Athletes may leave their skis in the NYSEF building; however, parents and non-NYSEF family members are not to leave equipment in the building.


December 5 & 6, 2009 Training will end at noon both days to allow for staff meetings.


Parents are encouraged to eat lunch with their athletes. The lunch room in the NYSEF building is available for this however space is limited, so please don't abuse the lunch rooms with a family reunion luncheonJ. If you are unable to eat lunch with your athlete please let their coach know. Sending your athlete with a hot chocolate pack or some money for break time is a good idea.


The JV athletes have 5 races called the JV World Cup Race Series. These races are optional and meant to be fun for both the athlete and parent. Awards will be given at the end of each race and at the JV Picnic in March. There is no additional charge for these races.


Athletes at the JV & JIV level will be working on skiing fundamentals, balance, equipment care, and skiing all mountain terrain safely and in control. At this age NYSEF believes that having fun in a safe environment and developing solid fundamental skills is most important for these athletes. The program is not about elite racing at this age. NYSEF follows the Development Philosophy of USSA, our governing body. NYSEF has the best available staff who has years of racing and coaching experience. They are dedicated and want to help your athlete love the sport of skiing, have fun and stay healthy though winter sports.


For updated information and race schedules you may visit Information on volunteering and special events may also be found on our website.


Save the date for our Annual Wine Tasting Fundraiser December 12th at the Tannery Pond Community Center in North Creek.


It is the mission of the New York Ski Educational Foundation to provide opportunities for athletes of all ages to reach those potential in snow sports-alpine skiing, freestyle skiing, snowboarding, ski jumping, cross country skiing, Nordic combined and biathlon-through professional guidance and financial support.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Ski Houses for Rent

I am not in the habit of advertising homes for rent. But under the heading of providing information to our member families who may be looking for a winter rental, listed below are two homes that have recently come across my desk.

1. 6 bedroom home in North River. This house is adjacent to the Garnet Hill Nordic trails. Price for the winter is $6,000.00 plus utilities. Call George Heim at 518-424-7321

2. 3/4 bedroom home in Minerva. This house is close to Minerva Lake Nordic skiing and ice skating. Price for the winter is $5,000.00 plus utilities. Call Donna Dayger at 315-846-5056